Autumn Budget 2024

Autumn Budget 2024

The Autumn Budget 2024 - the first from the new Labour government - will take place on Wednesday 30 October. Chancellor Rachel Reeves is expected to deliver a Budget with significant tax changes and many measures to raise revenues for the Government.

Changes to Inheritance Tax, Capital Gains Tax and VAT exemptions are anticipated, along with further detail on tightening of the non-doms scheme and the taxation of private equity carried interest.

Find out what our tax experts are expecting from the 2024 Autumn Budget, and stay up to date with the latest announcements by bookmarking this page.

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Budget 2024 Predictions

How will the chancellor's announcement affect your business?
What can you expect?
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Autumn Budget Webinar 2024

Join our tax experts for an in-depth analysis of the Chancellor’s Autumn Budget announcements and the effect it will have on your business and personal finances, and the economy as a whole.
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Caroline Harwood

Caroline Harwood

Partner, National Head of Employment Tax
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