I am a Financial Reporting and Corporate Reporting Advisory Partner within BDO’s Business Services and Outsourcing team. Throughout my c. 25-year long career in the UK, I have been dedicated to helping CFOs and finance teams fulfil their ultimate score keeping, stewardship and business partnering roles so they can be successful in fostering trust and confidence in the financial reporting that underpins complex or critical business and investment decisions.
I qualified in France as an Expert-Comptable and am also a Fellow Chartered Accountant of the ICAEW. More recently, I have passed the IFRS Foundation’s Fundamentals of Sustainability Accounting (FSA) Level I qualification, and am now looking to gain the full FSA credential.
I work with CFOs and finance teams of larger or international PE-owned companies and listed businesses, typically upon occurrence of pressure points on their time and resources, which might arise from:
I operate with integrity and my clients report that they value the time and interest that I take to get to know and understand them, their business, and the issues that they face to deliver sustainable solutions to their complex problems that align with their stakeholder needs and expectations.