Reporting accountant for the step up from AIM to the premium segment of the Main Market

Deal typeCapital Markets & Transaction Services
IndustryNatural resources & Energy
Client nameAtalaya Mining plc
BDO acted as reporting accountant for the step up from AIM to the premium segment of the Main Market of Atalaya Mining plc.

Atalaya is a European copper producer that owns and operates the Proyecto Riotinto complex in southwest Spain and controls a diverse portfolio of development and exploration projects in several well-known mining regions.

The Company is focused on building on its success at Proyecto Riotinto, with a view to becoming a multi-asset producer of copper and other critical metals. It maintains a focus on the development of sustainable, scalable and low-risk assets in mining-favourable jurisdictions such as Spain, broader Europe and South America.

“We would like to thank the BDO team for their excellent support in our move-up from AIM to the LSE Main Market. Their strong and mining expertise and their efficient set up in preparing a working capital report and a FPPP was critical to the smooth and successful completion of the process. The team's responsiveness and availability ensured that all our issues were properly addressed on time and questions were resolved with clarity and accuracy. It was a real pleasure to work with such a dedicated and professional team.”

César Sánchez, Chief Financial Officer, Atalaya Mining plc

The BDO project team included:
Ian Cooper, David Wright, Sophie Sweetman, Chris Lightfoot (Financial due diligence)
Fiona Davis and Freddy Steele (ESG)