Private Company Price Index (PCPI)

A quarterly PCPI publication from BDO.

05 July 2024

PCPI Q2 2024

Deal volumes surged in Q2, with trade activity driving growth.

Deal volumes increased by 14.3% in Q2, representing the highest quarterly volumes for three years (since Q3 2021). 697 deals completed in Q2, an encouraging uptick from the 610 completions seen in Q1.

The surge was driven by trade acquirers, responsible for 615 transactions, compared with 514 in Q1, representing a rise of 19.6%.

PCPI blog: Life Sciences M&A Activity in 2024

Since 2021 there has been a downward trajectory in M&A volumes. Whilst that dynamic has persisted into the first half of 2024, there are leading indicators which suggest an uptick in performance and deal activity could be on the horizon.

We examine this market data and compare it with historic data to identify key trends. We draw on our long experience of running the PCPI and our sector-specific expertise to predict future market trends.

About PCPI

Each quarter we collect data surrounding Enterprise Value (EV) to Earnings Before Interest Tax Depreciation and Amortisation (EBITDA) multiples. The Index tracks the EV to EBITDA multiples paid by trade and private equity buyers when purchasing UK private companies.

We examine this market data and compare it with historic data to identify key trends. We draw on our long experience of running the PCPI and our sector-specific expertise to predict future market trends.

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