Tax Dispute Resolution Services

Tax Dispute Resolution Services

Are you the subject of an HMRC compliance check or have you just received a ‘nudge letter’? Or are you already in a dispute with HMRC? In all these cases, getting expert support will help you find a resolution quickly and effectively. We can help you resolve any tax disputes, no matter how complex.

We specialise in resolving tax disputes of all kinds, from ad-hoc technical queries, full reviews of your personal and business affairs, regularising your historic tax affairs, through to allegations of tax fraud. We also support clients who are subject to criminal proceedings, working with your legal advisors.

You will appreciate working with our national team of tax professionals, Chartered Accountants and former senior HMRC Inspectors. We are 7 partners supported by a team of 40 dedicated dispute resolution specialists. We closely work with experts from our Corporate, VAT and Employment tax teams as well as Valuation and Accounting specialists to give you the best possible advice in dealing with HMRC. 

Our large team has considerable experience of dealing with all types of HMRC tax disputes and can help you minimise the stress, costs and disruption of a tax dispute as well as manage potential commercial risks.

Our Approach to resolving tax disputes

We use our expertise and experience to understand the full nature and breadth of HMRC’s concerns and the risks they have identified. We will use a mixture of investigative techniques, deep technical knowledge and skilled negotiation skills including where appropriate using HMRC’s Alternative Dispute Resolution process. Our deep understanding of HMRC’s policies and procedures is key to giving the advice and support you need in bringing the dispute  to a close effectively.

A negotiated resolution is not always possible. In those situations, we can support your appeal through the Tax Tribunals and/or Courts working with your appointed legal advisors. 

Make the most of our offer of a confidential, ‘no obligation’ initial meeting. Please get in touch.

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HMRC has extensive powers to enquire into your Self-Assessment tax returns. They can also open compliance checks outside of enquiries, including by sending nudge letters and opening investigations opened under Codes of Practice 8 and 9. Every compliance check should be handled with care and consideration, or you risk adverse financial and reputational impacts.

HMRC can assess and collect tax liabilities going back 20 years if you have made a ‘deliberate’ error or if you failed to notify HMRC of a liability to tax. Even if there has been no deliberate conduct, HMRC can go back 12 years if the issue in question involves an offshore matter. This is restricted to 6 years for domestic matters caused by carelessness and HMRC can go back 4 years if it identifies a mistake in your tax affairs not involving carelessness. 

If HMRC finds an error in your tax affairs, they will consider whether they can charge a penalty. The penalty regime is now extremely complicated, with different penalties chargeable depending on the issue. There are statutory minimum and maximum penalties for each behaviour and regime. Significant reductions are available if you voluntarily disclose errors in your tax affairs and cooperate with HMRC throughout the enquiry process. 

HMRC has also introduced a “name & shame” regime to deter deliberate tax evasion. The names of people who have evaded their tax liabilities deliberately are released on its website.

We are experts in understanding HMRC’s compliance check powers and the multiple penalty regimes. If you have been notified of a compliance check by HMRC, or are in an ongoing tax dispute, get in touch today for specialist support. 

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